April 16, 2017

Exploding Portraits

By In Photoshop Fun, The Human Face - Portrait Photography

School Picture day is Boring. Nobody looks at their own school pictures and thinks they’re any good.   Many would just as soon blow up those weird school pictures with the forced smile and the goofy backgrounds.  School pictures look like mug shots.  All you need is a height chart in the background and a number in front.  Instead of a School Picture, how about an Exploding Portrait?

Exploding Portrait

One way to define an Exploding Portrait is to call it the anti-school picture.  We all remember those dreaded school pictures.  Yes, they’re cute as far as “day-in-the-life” moments.  When you look at your old school pictures, if you still have them, they certainly capture what you actually looked like on a particular day in your childhood.  Your class would line up outside a vacant room or storage room at the school where a photographer would set up.  Quickly, in about 10 minutes time, the whole class would be run through the process; sit, turn, tilt, SMILE, flash, done.  Could there ever be a worse process to get a really good photo?  Probably not.

That’s why I like the Exploding Portrait.  I want something weird, unusual, and edgy.  I want something that kids would love and Grandmas would hate.  Because what could be more fun for a kid than making Grandma lose her mind?  Seeing their cute, precious and lovable grandchild with their head exploding is enough to make Grandma’s head explode.  It’s fun.  That is the point.

Exploding Portrait

Photoshop Exploding Portrait

Exploding Portrait

Here is the Exploding Portrait.  This is far more interesting for a 9-year-old to give out than a boring school portrait.  Grandma will not like this, but all the buddies will.  Guaranteed!  As an additional bonus, I can break his glasses when they’re not really broken.  So very cool.

Shattered Glass Portrait

Photoshop Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass Portrait

Here is a portrait of a BMX Rider.  BMX kids are tough.  They crash and they get back up.  They’re edgy and they want to project their edginess.  A school picture just doesn’t cut it.  I turned him into glass and shattered him.  Does Mom like it? No.  Does our champion rider like it?  Absolutely!

Splattered Paint Portrait

Girl in Paint Splattered Portrat

Splattered Paint Portrait

Maybe we want to downplay the edginess, but still be artistic.  Then go with the Spattered Paint Portrait.  Here, we show flair, movement, and artistic personality along with determination.  And once again, far better than what she got at school.

Artistic and Exploding Portraits are fun.  Kids want to express themselves and it is up to the photographer to help them do that.  Great fun for the photographer and awesome for the kids!

Want One?

You can contact me at McCann Photo Perfect to schedule an Exploding, Shattered, Splattered Portrait Session.








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